Week 13 report, March 2018

Week 13 Report

Hello, it is important to remind you that we are on our last ends this term. Our pupils completed the exams today. Standard eight pupils sat for a zonal test while the other pupils did an internal test. The teachers are now very busy marking the papers and compiling results. We shall share with you as soon as they will be ready.

Again, we have had the ECDE singing game team seriously carrying out their practices geared towards the national competitions which start on 4th April, 2018 in Nairobi. We always wish them the very best.

Finally, we want to appreciate your concern for the school. You always work hard to fund every activity here, we also work hard to make it a friendly learning environment for our pupils. All the best always. We have then gone home for the Easter holidays till Tuesday next week when we shall return to school.


Augustine and Philgona

Reading session in lower class.
Reading session i progress.
Teacher carrying out reading session in class three.
Exam session in upper.
Exam in progress in class 7.
Exam i progress.
Exam in progress in std 5.

Årsmöteshandlingar 2018

Kallelse till årsmöte i Föreningen Kisumu 2018

Alla medlemmar hälsas välkomna till föreningens årsmöte.

Tid: onsdag den 11 april klockan 18.30 Plats: Staffan Stallares Väg 26 Liseberg, (Älvsjö)

Bokslut 2017+budget 2018

Verksamhetsberättelse 2017

180411 Valberedningens förslag

Annual report 2017

Financial report 2017

Nominations 2018


1. Öppnande av mötet

2. Val av Ordförande, Sekreterare och Justeringsman tillika rösträknare för mötet

3. Fråga om mötets behöriga utlysande

4. Anteckning av närvarande tillika röstlängd

5. Fastställande av dagordning

6. Behandling av verksamhetsberättelse

7. Behandling av revisionsberättelse

8. Fastställande av balans och resultaträkning

9. Disposition av årets resultat

10.Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen

11.Fastställande av ledamöter och suppleanter i styrelsen

12.Val av ledamöter och suppleanter i styrelsen

13.Val av revisor och revisorssuppleanter

14.Val av valberedning

15.Beslut om lägsta månadsbetalning för verksamhetsåret

16.Behandling av förslag till verksamhetsplan och budget

17.Behandling av styrelsens förslag och inkomna motioner

18.Övriga ärenden

Brev från den tidigare eleven Jacob Odiko

Date: 15/01/2018

To: Sponsors

I am happy to inform you that I sat my KCSE exams very well at Agoro Sare High School and scored as follows:

Mathematics A

Physics A-

Geography A-

English B

Kiswahili B

Business studies B

Biology C+

Chemistry B

Mean Grade B+

Aggregate points 70

I was a former pupil at St Christine Education Centre and sat my KCPE in the year 2013 and emerged third best.

I would like to thank you sincerely for your support to me during the primary course I undertook at St Christine Education Centre.

I would like to request that may you offer me support to continue with my university education to realise my dream of becoming Electrical and Electronics Engineer.

Thanks in advance

From Jacob Odiko


Week 10 report, March 2018

Week 10 Term 1 2018, report

Hi everyone,

Receive much greetings from st.christine school,Kabondo.We hope you are doing well back in Sweden,despite the cold weather.In Kenya, we have strted to experience long rain,hence cold weather that has resulted to some illness.However, i’m glad to report as the teacher who was incharge of week 10 this term that pupils and employees reported to school  well, thereby enabling the smooth running of school activities.

During the week, our drama team continued to practice in preparation for the Nyanza regional festivals which would be held soon.We wish them well.

Again, we have also initiated some farm projects like sowing of vegetable seeds.We expect the rains for a longer time to enable us some good returns.On Friday,we had a spiritual assembly led by our teachers to collectively teach our pupils.This also helps the young ones here to grow morally upright.

Finally, i want to wish you well all and thank you for your continued support towards the schools activities.


Music workshop report, March 2018


Last week Madam Vera attended a workshop for music at Kisii. This is organized yearly to update the music trainers on new ways of training their teams and communicate to them the emerging issues. At the workshop  theme of the year Drama Festivals is availed.

She reported to us that everything was okay and the seminar was well done.

I have attached pictures of her attending the workshop.



Homabay county drama report, February 2018


THEME: Enhancing National Cohesion and Integration through Theatre and Film.

T his year’s Homabay County festival was held at St. Francis Nyangajo Girls’ High School- Kendu Bay. Four teachers: Vera, Mawline, Albert and Calvince took the team to the festival venue. They accompanied a total of 60 casts who took part in two major disciplines: Dramatized Cultural Creative Dance and Dramatized ECDE Singing Game. The team left the school compound at 10.05am and reached the venue at noon. The first item on stage was the ECDE Singing Game and later at 4pm the dance took to the stage.

Dramatized ECDE Singing Game managed to obtain the following titles:

  • Best costume and décor
  • Best choreography
  • Best presentation
  • Winning Singing Game 2018

 This translates that it will represent the entire County at the Lake Region Festival. We are yet to receive certificates both for participating and winning in the festival.

Dramatized Cultural Creative Dance, on the other hand, became position 4 hence could not secure a chance in the next level of competition. We arrived happily at school at around 6.30pm.

Lake Region Drama Festival is scheduled as from 13th-17th March 2018 at Kisii School in Kisii County. From my desk, I wish to thank the entire team of committed minds and to wish them success going forward. I can’t afford to forget the exemplary leadership of Evans and Augustine. They always stand with the drama team at the times of need.

Finally, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to our Swedish sponsors. Thank you in plural- for the success of every activity here is right at your hands. How I wish you had a lengthy life span that you might live to witness the success of the young blood you’ve always supported here in Kenya.  Regards.

Calvince Obudho-Coordinator Co-Curriculum Activities.



Week 8 report, February 2018


Greetings to you all. I hope all is well.

The week began well as was expected. All the teachers, pupils and the non-teaching staff reported on time ready to carry out their respective duties. A number of activities were conducted during the week.

The normal learning process was well conducted as teachers and pupils attended the class sessions as timetabled. The results of the mid-term test were released on Monday 19th Feb.

We had the privilege to receive a team of sponsors from Sweden led by Anders – the Chairman of the Foundation together with Mr. Oyuga – the patron of the school.

On Thursday 22nd February, we once again had an opportunity to celebrate the good results posted by the grade eight candidates in the 2017 national examination. The Education cum Prize-Giving Day was graced by a number of guests that included the sponsors from Sweden, the patron, Equity Bank Oyugis Branch among other visitors and friends of St. Christine Family. The day was very successful.

The trainings in preparation to the sub-county drama festival were on. The school managed to present two genres at the sub-county drama festival held on Saturday 24th and both items managing to be ranked the best. I congratulate these young children and wish them good luck as they exploit their talents.

In conclusion I want to state that the activities of the week went on well and smoothly. Everything was a success with little challenges. I want to appreciate the efforts that were put in place by everyone to ensure that the welfare of the orphans are well catered for. Both teaching and the non-teaching staff, who worked hand in hand to ensure that the pupils had their lessons, meals and sufficient care and support at the right time and for creating a favorable learning environment.

Lastly, I would just thank you, the sponsors and friends in Sweden for your continued support to the orphans, the school and the community at large.

Attached to this report are a few selected pictorials taken throughout the week.


Albert Omoro