Policy för besök i St Christine

When you want to visit S:t Christine Education Centre in Kabondo
–          Write a mail or a letter why you want to visit the school, when you want to visit and for how many days at least two months before the visit.
–          The school is closed for visits during the final exam period which usually is between the 15th of November and 15th of December.
–          The school is closed for holiday during the months of April, August and December.
–          Please send the e-mail or the letter to the manager of the school. The manager will confirm your visit at least a month before your visit.
When you visit the school a member of the staff, a teacher or someone else, will be responsible for your visit, show you around and answer the questions you may have.
We would appreciate a contribution to the Föreningen Kisumu if you are not a paying member.
  • Pg  176264-0
  • Bg  5734-8534
Information about the school
You find information about the school and regular reports from the head teacher and the S:t Christine foundation in Swedish in Föreningen Kisumu´s website  www.kisumu.se.
If you want more information about the school for example, the teachers or school results, please contact the manager.
This policy is taken by the board of St Christine School.
Ulla Sturaeus, manager.
Ulla Sturaeus, Peppargränd 4 , 135 36 Tyresö, Sweden