Homabay county drama report, February 2018


THEME: Enhancing National Cohesion and Integration through Theatre and Film.

T his year’s Homabay County festival was held at St. Francis Nyangajo Girls’ High School- Kendu Bay. Four teachers: Vera, Mawline, Albert and Calvince took the team to the festival venue. They accompanied a total of 60 casts who took part in two major disciplines: Dramatized Cultural Creative Dance and Dramatized ECDE Singing Game. The team left the school compound at 10.05am and reached the venue at noon. The first item on stage was the ECDE Singing Game and later at 4pm the dance took to the stage.

Dramatized ECDE Singing Game managed to obtain the following titles:

  • Best costume and décor
  • Best choreography
  • Best presentation
  • Winning Singing Game 2018

 This translates that it will represent the entire County at the Lake Region Festival. We are yet to receive certificates both for participating and winning in the festival.

Dramatized Cultural Creative Dance, on the other hand, became position 4 hence could not secure a chance in the next level of competition. We arrived happily at school at around 6.30pm.

Lake Region Drama Festival is scheduled as from 13th-17th March 2018 at Kisii School in Kisii County. From my desk, I wish to thank the entire team of committed minds and to wish them success going forward. I can’t afford to forget the exemplary leadership of Evans and Augustine. They always stand with the drama team at the times of need.

Finally, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to our Swedish sponsors. Thank you in plural- for the success of every activity here is right at your hands. How I wish you had a lengthy life span that you might live to witness the success of the young blood you’ve always supported here in Kenya.  Regards.

Calvince Obudho-Coordinator Co-Curriculum Activities.