Rapport från St Christine maj 2017

Week two was busy with a lot of activities.We sponsored exams for class 8 candidates as head start exam. We will send the result when is released next week.
We also had the music team on Thursday going for the Sub County Music Festivals.Two teams managed position one as one was position two. The three items will proceed to the next level in the coming weeks.
I have attached the pictures of the same.



We are pleased to report that our term’s activities are on course and we hope for the best. This being second term in schools’ calendar, we have Music and Athletics as co-curriculum activities going on.However, classwork also is always in progress.

This week we had athletics competitions in preparation for the subsequent levels come next week.
We continually work to create a good environment for our pupils to learn. As we wind up this week,we had a preacher from the local community to teach the word of God to the school. Finally, We always wish you well in all your endeavors and thank you for your sincere commitment towards the success of the school here.Thank you.
Augustine and Philgona-Teachers on duty.


Odlingsprojekt maj – juni 2017

Odlingsprojektet, gardening project
Skolan har fått möjlighet att disponera en del mark som tillhör skolans rektor David Ouma Ochola, samt Albinus Odada. Ett extra bidrag från Sverige ger oss möjlighet att plantera majs och sukumawiki, som vi hoppas ska göra skolan mer självförsörjande. Det har regnat en del nyligen, så vi har goda förhoppningar om att kunna skörda i augusti. Förhoppningsvis räcker det till en viktig del av maten i en termin. Läs mer i Nyhetsbrev 79.
The following  is the message from Charles.
Hi, Hope you are okay i Sweden. We are fine in school. We have worked hard on our farms and both at David’s and Odada’s the first weeding is over. The school garden is now complete with vegetable and after a period of less than one month from now we’ll not be purchasing vegetables from the market. What is affecting most maize plantations in Kenya is a disease caused by a warm and is affecting the inside of the maize plant spreading outwards and causing the maize leaves to wilt automatically. This is a disaster experienced in Kenya especially in Rift Valley and Nyanza regions. To date we haven’t received exact insecticide to curb the disease from the Agricultural sector but most farmers are trying to spray their farms using the normal insecticides used for other crops. We are also planning to spray the whole garden next week. From the pictures you can see how the maize is healthy but some are affected by the dangerous worm. Hope to give you other reports later.


Re- Gardening

Hi, Our vegetable garden is now ready and we started to harvest today as you can see in the photo captions. Hope it will reduce a bit the kitchen cost.



Ny skolbyggnad maj 2017, nytt bibliotek

Nytt bibliotek
Byggnaden i förlängningen av utomhusklassrummet, (byggnad 5, fd klassrum för årskurs 4) är allvarligt angripet av insekter och har inte använts på ett tag. Nu har vi fått en donation från två medlemmar i föreningen, Bo Riddarström och Eva Rudberg, som möjliggör att den angripna byggnaden kunnat rivas och ersätts med en ny i tegel. Nybyggnaden ska användas som bibliotek. Den blir lite högre än den nuvarande oh får fler fönster så att interiören blir ljusare och ska fungera bättre som läsesal. Arbetet med rivningen av det befintliga huset är klart och uppbyggnaden av de nya väggarna har påbörjats.
May 15
We started the building today. We are working hard to catch up with the time. The attached is what the the foreman did today.