Week 6 report, February 2018


The week began well on Monday the 5th as was expected. All the Teachers, pupils and the subordinate staff reported on time ready to carry out the weekly activities.

I want to appreciate the efforts that were put in place by all the staff members, both teaching and the subordinate staff, who worked hand in hand to ensure that the pupils had their lessons, meals and sufficient care and support at the right time making the environment so conducive as required.

We also had the pupils exercise and practice running in preparation for the forthcoming athletics competition that will take place soon at a date yet to be communicated.

We had the burial ceremony of one of the staff member’s brother that took place on Friday 9th where all the staff members and selected classes attended.

Generally, the week went so smooth as we anticipated since there were no major cases of neither sicknesses nor absenteeism reported from either sectors. Attached are some pictures showing various activities that transpired within the week.

Lastly, I would just thank you, the sponsors, so much for your overwhelming support towards the orphans, the school and the community at large.

By Fidel