2016-09-24 Report week 3

Week 3 term 3 2016 report

It is the third week of term three, which is the shortest of the three sessions in an academic calender year.We here at school are committed towards ensuring that it is a much friendly environment to encourage our pupils to learn.There being no sporting,drama nor Music activities, all our efforts are therefore focused just on academic work.Teachers and pupils still are determined  to achieve their best come end of the year.

During the week, we have had std 7 and 8 pupils sitting for a county test, that started on Tuesday 13th  Sept and ended on Thursday 15th Sept,2016.Here,our school is competing over 900 primary schools; both public and private.Hopefully they will do well.In addition, learning both in public and private schools has been paid attention to by the Kenyan government together with other development partners such as USAID and UKAID,who have in the recent past opted to cost share and sponsor reading activities known as TUSOME; in lower primary, beginning from std one.It is equally important to mention that we had two of our teachers attending the training that was held last week.This is aimed at improving literacy level right from that early stage, so as to make easier subsequent teaching and learning activities.Thanks to all.

Next, as at now we are experiencing summer with the sun being overhead at the Equator.It is usually hot here during the day,however, our teaching and learning activities proceed as planned.We keep adjusting to every climatic and weather changes, to enable us progress.Usually,we have our Friday’s prayer session under the guidance of a spiritual elder from the community.This week we had our sister school; Anyona joining us for the session. A show of togetherness and real co-existence.

Finally, your always continued support is hereby most sincerely appreciated since we contribute to a better future for a society, a country and the world at large.Thank you all.



90-kontot avslutat

90-kontot avslutat.

Föreningens styrelse har beslutat att stänga 90-kontot av ekonomiska skäl. Vår avsikt var att försöka få bidrag från större givare som tex Radiohjälpen där 90-konto krävs. Det har vi tyvärr  inte lyckats med, och kontot och medlemskapet i Svensk Insamlingskontroll kostar förstås pengar, som vi tycker kan användas på bättre sätt.