Studiebesök i Kisumu – Education trip to Kisumu



It is important to inform you about the above event.At had all our class eight pupils accompanied by a number of staff members ;both teaching and non-teaching going out for the trip.We left school by 7 am and travelled safely to the destination.

On our arrival, we made payment at the gate and we were allowed in.The team was well organized;teachers were assigned groups of pupils to be incharge of during the tour.They took the pupils to various stands where they were well received,guided and even taught by the attendants at the stands.Almost every sector of the Kenyan economy was represented, but majorly agriculture and business.We walked to almost every stand at the showground.At every point, something new was learnt.If not,it was an additional knowledge to what we already knew.It was a greate lesson outside school and classroom environment.Our pupils learnt a lot and they were able to ask and answer questions.In addition, they also took a lot of good notes from the speakers of the day at various stands.They learnt just so much.

By 1 pm, the groups met for lunch,after which we let the pupils visit other areas where children were swinging and playing;to derive fun and also to learn for themselves.In addition, our pupils also managed to visit a local radio station stand where they were allowed to send messages and greetings to their patrents,friends and relatives.This made us so happy since some people who tuned on their radios then called us and told us of having listened to the pupils at the stations.It was greate outside there.

At 4pm,we left the showground and began our jouney back home.On our way in Kisumu town,we took our pupils to one of the biggest shopping mall in town,so that they could see the shopping activities there and even take part by buying a few items.This was too important as it is part of what they learn in school.From there,we travelled home,a very happy group and most interesting,our pupils learnt a lot of important things during the trip.In addition,we gave them an exercise to write some interesting story about the trip.This will be collected and checked when schools open

Finally,I want to thank you all for having accepted to support the important event in the academic calendar.We appreciate you so much.Thank you.



TAK project (Time to Act Kabondo) juli 2017

Sexton elever från St Christine, och elever från ytterligare fem skolor i trakten har deltagit i en ettårig utbildning om HIV/AIDS. Projektet har finansierats av Forum Syd på initiativ av Karopa Integrated CBO.  Eleverna är i åldern 12-14 år och har lärt sig bland annat om ledarskap, social utveckling, medvetenhet om HIV/AIDS, jämställdhet mellan könen, ekonomisk egenmakt (empowerment), fredsarbete, och näringslära. Eleverna fick också lära sig miljövård, att sköta höns och trädgårdsodling. Alla fick trädplantor och grönsaksplantor att plantera hemma. De fick också delta i ett hönsprojekt vid sin skola.
Ledningen för projektet organiserade i juli en fin examensceremoni för de 96 deltagarna. Eleverna är nu Time to Act Kabondo Ambassadors, med uppgift att sprida sina kunskaper vidare i Kabondo med omnejd.
Läs rapporten från Augustine och se bilderna från projektet!


TAK(Time To Act Kabondo) is a project that was being implemented by KAROPA CBO.It was basically to create awareness on HIV/AIDS among young boys and girls  of 12 -14 years of age.The project was implemented in six primary school,of which st.christine was part.Each school gave atotal of 16 pupils,both boys and girls in equal ratio to participate in the project as from mid 2016.

For st.christine the project had a lot of relevance since the pupils who learn here are either partial or total orphans who in other cases lost the either of their parents due to the pandemic or related situations.This provided a learning forum for many of our pupils,about the disease.They were well trained on areas such as leadership,capacity building,social innovation,HIV/AIDS awareness,gender equality,economic empowerment,peace building,nutrition awareness,lifeskills, sexual awareness and cultural practice.We had a very capable,jovial,interested and a concerned trainer –Mercy Wendy, who was ever ready and willing to help the pupils at all times.Her lessons were very interesting  and lively.All the participants seemed to be interested,again, all the staff members have been actively involved throughout the process.

Besides,the participants were also taught on environmental conservation,poultry keeping and kitchen gardening.Each of them was provided with tree and vegetable seedlings to plant at home and a poultry project in school.For a period of one year, the participants learnt a lot and completed having fully learnt much.

To mark the end of thie project, the management organized a very wonderful graduation ceremony for the 96 participants.They graduated as Time To Act Kabondo Ambassadors,with a major role of spreading the good news about HIV/AIDS awareness in kabondo and beyond.They are expected to be educating the fellow pupils in school when schools open next term.

Finally, I would like to appreciate all those who in a way supported the success of the project.Most sincerely, the financiers,friends of kabondo forum syd among others.Locally, the project management team,participants ,trainers and fellow project patrons.Let us keep kabondo and beyond a HIV/AIDS free society, for a better  tomorrow.


Augustine-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TAK Project patron,St.Christine Education Centre.