Letter from Evance January 2017

Eleven Evance, som nu har gått ut St Christine school, skriver här om sina tankar om skolan. Det stipendium som han nämner i slutet, och som möjliggör hans fortsatta skolgång i secondary school, är ett privat initiativ och tas inte från föreningen Kisumus medel.









12TH JANUARY 2016*

                                                                                    (*wrong year, should be 2017)



It  was enjoyable when I first got to school in E.C.D.E. Everyone was happy and welcoming which made me even happier. Even though we would go without food at home the school  provided us with meals and I got energy to learn.  

Since the beggining of my education I have always got the best teachers who are dedicated to their work and who make sure pupils are made to pass. I have always related well with teachers and they helped me whenever I needed help. My relationship with pupils have been good. This later made me be elected the head pupil.

 My mother and I live in an 1 acre piece of land where we get our livelihood. My father died in 2006 and my mother hawks at Chabera. With the little savings she makes, she buys food and other basic needs.

 I humbly take this chance to thank you for my primary school sponsorship. However, my education was coming to an end until this morning when you agreed to offer me sponsorship to my entire secondary school. Thank you very much and God bless you. I promise not to let your money down. Thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Evance Odiwour