2017-10-17 Rapport inför skolårets slut och rapport från workshop i Kiswahili

Augustine rapporterar om det intensiva arbetet inför slutet av läsåret, då åttondeklassarna ska göra sina nationella examina från 30 oktober till 2 november. Calvince har varit skolan representant på en workshop i kiswahili.  Här är deras rapporter och bilder: 

How is everyone?
I hope you are all fine. At school we are fine; doing quite well as we approach the end of academic year 2017. We are at top gears to give it a good finish; We are very busy with the pupils for revision,especially the class eights who will be sitting for their national test as from 30th October to 2nd November.We hope all shall be ok and we too wish them well.
Besides, I would just wish to share with you a report of the Kenya national  kiswahili workshop which was held last week on 10th October,2017. Calvince attended it on behalf of the school and he must have learnt alot. He was given 10 story books for our pupils and a few other course books for revision.For more information, kindly alongside is the report.

Re: Kiswahili workshop.

May I first and foremost pass my greetings to you in Sweden hoping that life is ok over there. On behalf of kiswahili department in the school,I wish to give a report on the workshop that I attended on Tuesday 10/10/2017.

It was good to meet many prominent people; Canadians,German kiswahili radio presenters among others .I also managed to get a one-on-one discussion with professor Wall Bin wall, who is the organizer of the annual workshop.

After our discussion,he:

*guided me on how to carryout proper revision before the national Exams.

*Ways on how to remain a good teacher throughout a lesson.

*Awarded the school with 10 story books for the pupils to read.

These were officially presented to the school at a Friday’s assembly.

I want to really appreciate your efforts towards every success of the school activities.Thank you.


Calvince – Head of department,kiswahili.