Report week 4, term 2, 2018


Hello everyone,

I am pleased to inform you that we are in the fourth week of this term. Bether Atieno is in charge of this week and she will do a report soon in the future. However, I have the following to report about:

  1. sanitation or cleaning department

We received the money sent for the equipment and up to now, we have bought them and they are now happy to use them well. We managed to get all the items as they requested. However, their protective clothes are still being worked on by a local tailor just in the school’s neighborhood. They will get the as soon as they will be done.

  1. Girls latrine

Again we had the mason who quoted the cost of building the latrine at school. He checked, approved and has already started digging the pit where the rooms will stand. The 30 feet deep 4-door latrine will help the girls of both schools; the mother school Anyona and st. Christine girls’. Already the digging of the pit is on and hopefully end this week it will be finished and construction should be started next week.

  1. Ball games equipment

  This term we shall have two major co-curriculum activities;ball games and music.We requested for ballgames equipment and we have again managed to purchase them successfully and this will enable us to practice better and again take part in the competitions as soon as they will start soon.

Attached alongside are photos of the above.

Warm regards,




A flag raising assambly.
A joint kiswahili lesson – class 6, 7 and 8.
A teacher in class two.
An aerial view of the assembly.
Ball games equipment.
Calvince with the ballgames equipment.
Cleaners with the new equipment.
Digging of the pit latrine.
Sand, ballast and bricks for the new latrine.