Week 2, Term 2, May 2018


It is our second week in school.We are doing well,and we had a good start of the term.By now,all our learners have reported back to school and they  happily learn.Teachers and other employees are also well.Every member behaves responsibly here,as we undertake our daily duties.

This term is equally long as term one,of 14 weeks.So far,we are moving on well.Hopefully you too are good.However,we are experiencing alot of rains that has turned to be destructive;with the hail stones,crops have been sort of destroyed in some areas,particularlly here,when it seriously rained last weekend.We hope they will rejuvinate.Though as at now they are not good.

Attached herein are also photos of some events at school.


Augustine and Faiza –Teachers incharge of week 2

Both Anyona and St Christine pupils out for games.
Pupils wash their hands to take lunch.
Girls train volleyball.