National music festival July 2017 – victory!


Här kommer en rapport från Augustine om skolans framgångar i den nationella musikfestivalen i Kakamega:


Hello everyone,

The festivals began on Monday 10th July, with the teams arriving on Sunday 9th July. We travelled safely to the venue and made the necessary arrangements just before we could perform. Just to mention, our team rehearsed briefly and we also had the pupils recording their song with education radio. Our school presented an ECDE singing game under class 802G. A total of fourteen teams were registered and performed under the same class.

Of all the teams, we were ranked position one with 91%. Congratulations to the team and the school. In addition, I would like to thank Vera for her immense contributions and commitment towards the success of both music and drama activities in the past. She has really done so much to the teams and the school and we have always walked shoulder high when it comes to these.

Following that good performance, we were awarded certificates and a trophy. We had a safe travel back to school. On our way back, we visited a historic site of a  ‘crying stone’. We arrived at around  5.45 pm Kenyan time.

On Wednesday 12th July, we officially announced the festival results to the rest of the school members at the assembly and handed over the trophy to the school administration. Thanks to all the participants, trainers, our sponsors and everyone who supported the festival in various ways.

Best regards to all,


Pupils and teachers assemble before leaving their place of residence.
Pupils rehearse before performance.
Pupils record the singing game with an education radio channel.
Recording with a radio station.
Pupils on their way to the performance.

Children performing on stage.


The children after winning the national trophy.


The national trophy.
At the crying stone.
The crying stone.
Presentation of Trophy.

Update July 25:

We received an additional  trophy for being the overall best school in ecde singing under class 802G and our participants and the school were awarded certificates.We presented them today at the assembly and each child took home her certificate.